Dominican Republic
Tabacalera de García, the largest premium cigar factory in the world, is located in the Dominican Republic, specifically in La Romana. It was founded in 1969 and produces around handmade cigars every year.
cigars every year.
Tabacalera de García, the largest premium cigar factory in the world, is located in the Dominican Republic, specifically in La Romana. It was founded in 1969 and produces around handmade cigars every year.
cigars every year.
It is a plant where tradition and innovation coexist, the past, present and future of the history of premium cigars made in the Dominican Republic.
The plant currently employs around 2,000 people.
It is a plant where tradition and innovation coexist, the past, present and future of the history of premium cigars made in the Dominican Republic.
The factory currently employs more than 2.000 empleados.
This is the only premium cigar factory in western Honduras, where the tradition of tobacco cultivation dates back to Mayan times.
It has been producing exceptional quality cigars for US and European markets since 1976, for
including Romeo y Julieta, Montecristo, H. Upmann, Henry Clay and its historic Flor de Copán brand.
This is the only premium cigar factory in western Honduras, where the tradition of tobacco cultivation dates back to Mayan times.
It has been producing exceptional quality cigars for US and European markets since 1976, for
including Romeo y Julieta, Montecristo, H. Upmann, Henry Clay and its historic Flor de Copán brand.
La Flor de Copán has combined innovation and tradition into world-class cigars through the dedication and passion of its people.
La Flor de Copán Honduras today employs over 700 people and has an annual production of 10 million cigars.
Flor de Copán has combined through the dedication and passion cigarros de calidad mundial.
La Flor de Copán Honduras today employs over 700 people and has an annual production of 10 million cigars.
INTERNACIONAL CUBANA DE TABACOS.A joint venture with facilities in Havana that focuses on the production of machine-made cigars of
100% CUBAN
natural origin
It is licensed by Habanos S.A. to use its brands: Cohiba, Trinidad, Montecristo, Romeo y Julieta, Partagás, José L. Piedra, Punch, Guantanamera, among others.
A joint venture with facilities in Havana that focuses on the production of machine-made cigars of
100% CUBAN
natural origin
It is licensed by Habanos S.A. to use its brands: Cohiba, Trinidad, Montecristo, Romeo y Julieta, Partagás, José L. Piedra, Punch, Guantanamera, among others.
ICT uses the same raw materials as Habanos from the best tobacco plantations in Cuba to ensure the characteristics of its brands, many of which are listed as Protected Designation of Origin.
It moreover guarantees absolute respect for tobacco blends, which are a secret of the Cuban tobacco masters.
ICT uses the same raw materials as Habanos from the best tobacco plantations in Cuba to ensure the characteristics of its brands, many of which are listed as Protected Designation of Origin.
It moreover guarantees absolute respect for tobacco blends, which are a secret of the Cuban tobacco masters.
The company has more than 300 workers, 70% of whom are women, and a cigar production system based on cigar rolling machines that replace the work of rollers making handmade cigars.
ICT produces the following formats: Mini, Club, Puritos, Short, Décimos, Cristales and Minutos, with a global capacity of more than
cigars a year.
The company has more than 300 workers, 70% of whom are women, and a cigar production system based on cigar rolling machines that replace the work of rollers making handmade cigars.
ICT fabrica los formatos Mini, Club, Puritos, Short, Décimos, Cristales y Minutos con una capacidad global de más de
cigars a year.